Howard Chan Tsai Hor

PhD Student

Rm 205, Run Run Shaw Building
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Email: hchanth [at] connect [dot] hku [dot] hk


I am currently a PhD student at The University of Hong Kong, supervised by Dr. Lequan Yu and Prof. Guosheng Yin. My research lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence and statistics. Specifically, my research focuses on graph representation learning, Bayesian deep learning, medical images, and recommendation systems. I am dedicated to introducing statistical insights to modern deep learning algorithms, with a primary focus on Bayesian deep learning.

During my undergraduate studies in HKU, I was working as a research assistant supervised by Dr. Yan Dora Zhang and Prof. Guosheng Yin. I obtained my B.Sc degree in Actuarial Science (Second major in CS), The University of Hong Kong in 2020.



Selected Publications [Google Scholar]



Honors & Awards

Associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA)
Departmental Excellence Research Award, 2023
Postgraduate Scholarship Award, 2021-2025


2023 FallSTAT4903 Actuarial Techniques for General Insurance
2023 SpringSTAT3909 Advanced Life Contingencies
2022 FallSTAT4903 Actuarial Techniques for General Insurance
2022 SpringSTAT3909 Advanced Life Contingencies
2021 FallSTAT3956 Pension Mathematics